PTSD – Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Let’s talk a little about PTSD today…

I’m heading a bit off topic today and wanted to tell you a little about somebody I met that has PTSD or Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.

I have something strange going on with my left eye where my vision is distorted right where I see.  It’s called Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR).  It’s basically a fluid bubble in the middle of my retina caused by my blood vessels leaking.  It makes for a fun time trying to focus on things.

Anyway, the reason I mentioned the CSR is that I met a man named Paul who works at my Ophthalmologist’s office.  He was the guy who took the pictures of my retina with this big camera that has really bright lights.  As I visited with him while he was shining these bright lights into my eye, I learned that he was in the military and he had injured both of his knees.  His right knee had been operated on twice and he has fluid squishing around in both of them.  It looked kinda gross when he showed me how he could move the fluid around his knee.

Paul told me he had constant pain in both of his knees and I thought he would be a perfect candidate to talk to about what I’ve been using to help with my pain.  So we scheduled a time to sit down and visit about it.

emitter_in_handI met with Paul and his wife and showed them the products that Juuva has to offer.  While we visited, I had Paul take one of the Anion Emitters and asked him to wave it around his knees to see if it would help with the pain.  After about 15 minutes he stopped using the Emitter and started to lean forward so he could get a better look at the items I was talking about.  I stopped and asked if he was having any issues with the Emitter.  He said he wasn’t having any issues but, rather, that his knees had stopped hurting.

I said that was awesome and he agreed to keep the Emitter for a few days to give it a good test.  I like to loan these Emitters out to people so they can get a deeper understanding about how effective they are.  Most people have very good results with it when they’ve used it for a while.

One week later I stopped by the office where Paul works to pick up the Emitter.  When he came out to the waiting area he was quite excited.  We hadn’t discussed his PTSD before and while we visited there he told me about how he has struggled with it for quite some time and that just wearing the Emitter in his pocket decreased his PTSD by about 80%.

Paul said that he had been using some natural supplements that were supposed to reduce the PTSD and that they were only helping to reduce it by about 20% of what he had been experiencing.  He was very excited that the Emitter was working so much better and that he would no longer need to keep paying for the supplements each month.

I was rather surprised because I hadn’t heard of anybody having that kind of reaction to just having the Emitter in their pocket.  Paul told me that his wife and mother-in-law had noticed such a dramatic improvement in him that if he didn’t purchase one they would have bought one for him.

I couldn’t resist giving off a good laugh.

Needless to say, Paul bought the emitter right then and each time I go in to have my eye checked he has it on him and is so pleased with it.

I continue to meet people who are obtaining relief from a variety of aches and pain by using this simple looking thing.  Each time I pull the emitter out to demonstrate what it can do, the person I’m talking with has this puzzled look that kind of says to me, “You’re going to show me a pen”?

So, yes, I’m going to show you a pen.


These products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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